Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Getting in SHAPE for Fat Loss Training

Fat loss training (or metabolic resistance training) involves a lot of strength work. There are squats, push-ups, weights and even dragging heavy things around outside. In short, it's not for recently liberated cough potatoes.

In fact, judging by the whimpers my husband emitted while doing the routine I created last week (which I will be posting soon), it's even a challenge for people who exercise regularly.

You're going to have to work your way up.

Fortunately, I have a real simple suggestion. 

The SHAPE 20 Minute Makeover DVD.
This DVD is not exactly metabolic resistance training, but it is close and it will get you into good enough shape that you can handle a more vigorous cardio strength routine to blast off fat.

I started this DVD last summer and dropped a size in a month doing it just twice a week (in conjunction with a low carb diet and aerobic exercise). It was a tipping point for my body and I was amazed with the results. Especially considering I only ever did 17 minutes of the work out because I always skipped the warm up.

The SHAPE workout is a good lower body routine that will build base strength to withstand metabolic resistance training. All you need to do is add in some push ups and you're ready to go.

Note: If you get the DVD and it's too much for you, then start with walking and low impact aerobics and work your way up.

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